DuraVilla CEO expects spinoff benefits for Guyana, Barbados economies from prefab homes deal - Stabroek News

2022-06-15 10:43:28 By : Mr. Fuliang Li

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The partnership between Guyanese manufacturer DuraVilla and Barbados’ National Housing Corporation (NHC) is set to have spinoff effects for businesses here as well as on the island, the company’s Chief Executive Officer Rafeek Khan says.

The local company, which specialises in pre-fabricated homes and hardwood products, recently secured the opportunity from the Barbadian government to provide 1,000 prefabricated homes as the island aims to provide housing solutions to low income families.

The company will be constructing 600 square-ft two-bedroom houses, outfitted with photovoltaic energy generating panels. They would be valued at 100,000 Barbados dollars.

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